Yoga instructor Racquel sitting on grass in front of beach

Enjoy a relaxing morning being guided through a 1.5 hour yoga session with experienced instructor Racquel Cavallaro, commencing at 7.30am, on Saturday 15 January 2022.

Set on the grass along the water’s edge, this workshop will support your health and wellbeing for the New Year.

After the workshop, enjoy a healthy and rejuvenating breakfast at Whalers Galley Café, overlooking the pristine King George Sound.

Please bring your own yoga mat and towel.

The workshop is suitable for participants 16 years and older.

About the Workshop

A core belief of Racquel’s practice and instruction is that Yoga is for everyone – you do not have to be an expert or at the peak of physical fitness to practice.

Racquel draws from a variety of styles and influences to facilitate a Hatha based practice, working through the physical body, using both postures (asana) and breath work (pranayama).

The asanas (physical postures) provide gentle to intense stretching, acting to lubricate the joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons, toning the nervous system, improving circulation and releasing tensions.

Deep breathing techniques help to cleanse and nourish the physical body, connecting the body to its centre, directing the release of vital energy (prana) for physical and mental rejuvenation.

Yoga helps integrate the mental and physical planes bringing about a sense of inner and outer balance and alignment, with regular practice building the bodies inner strength and natural resistance.

About Racquel Cavallaro, Yoga Instructor

Racquel has been instructing the practice of yoga for over 20 years, initially training in Dance at WAAPA, WA, where she was introduced to Yoga as a component of this training.

Racquel has maintained a personal practice ever since, and continued to follow the course of this inquiry cross culturally, undertaking training and instruction in a number of yoga disciplines that included Iyengar, Ashtanga, Vinyasa and Sivananda, with a variety of teachers as they were presented.

Appreciating the infinite possibility that was Yoga, and with the idea of maintaining respect for the practice without confining it to a single discipline, Racquel undertook formal training at the Yoga Institute of Queensland.

Following this Racquel opened and directed her own yoga studio in the Goldfields, teaching classes and workshops in the Goldfields and surrounding remote regional areas. This included the development and implementation of a dance and yoga program with DADA (Disability and Disadvantage in the Arts).

A 3-year period of teaching in Italy followed, prior to settling in Albany. Racquel has since maintained a fluid practice and instructed classes at a variety of Albany Yoga facilities including Twilight Dreams, SEA, ALAC, The Yoga Room & Saltacious. Additionally, Racquel has taught school workshops (teachers and student groups), and taught a number of private classes tailoring instruction to pain relief, need and ability.

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